Annual Awards 

Now Accepting Nominations!


If you know a financial aid professional who has made a significant impact, submit your nomination using the form below. Award recipients will be honored at the 2025 FASFAA Annual Conference.

Nomination Deadline: April 5th
Submit nominations here: FASFAA 2025 Award Nomination Form

Each year at the Annual Conference, the association recognizes individuals who have contributed to the success of FASFAA. Below are award details and nomination criteria. The FASFAA president sends the call for nominations to membership in early spring each year.

Honorary Lifetime Membership

To receive an Honorary Lifetime Membership, an individual must be nominated by a member and approved by the Executive Board. The individual so honored shall receive recognition in the form of a suitable plaque, to be presented (in absentia, if necessary) at the Annual Conference. Full benefits of membership shall be extended, and the payment of dues waived.

Persons selected must meet the following criteria:

  • The person must have served in an educational institution financial aid position and/or in a financial aid agency for a combined period of no less than 10 years and have been a FASFAA member for no less than 10 years.
  • The person must have assumed a leadership role in FASFAA.
  • The person must be retired from service in the financial aid profession or retiring from service in the profession within the current or next fiscal year of the association.

Lifetime Service Recognition Award

This award is intended to recognize long-time members of the Association who are now retiring from service but do not qualify for an Honorary Life Membership Award. To receive a Lifetime Service Recognition Award, an individual must be nominated by a member and approved by the Executive Board. The individual so honored shall receive recognition in the form of a suitable plaque, to be presented (in absentia, if necessary) at the Annual Conference.

Persons selected must meet the following criteria:

  • The person must have served in a financial aid-related position in Florida for a period of no less than 10 years and have been a FASFAA member for no less than seven years.
  • The person must be retired from service in the financial aid profession or retiring from service in the profession within the current or next fiscal year of the association.

Distinguished Service Award

To receive a Distinguished Service Award, an individual or organization must be nominated by a member and approved by the Executive Board. The individual so honored shall receive a plaque to be presented at the Annual Conference.

A person so honored shall meet the following criteria:

  • It shall be determined that the person has made a significant contribution to the aid community at the national, regional, or state level.

Certificate of Appreciation

Upon nomination by a member and approval of the Executive Board, an individual or organization may receive the Certificate of Appreciation for a one-time service to the financial aid community. This service usually would have been performed at the state level, but there might be circumstances that would justify an award to an individual working at the regional or national levels. This award may also be conferred to recognize an individual who has left the financial aid profession in the State of Florida and has not retired.

Ollicia Anderson Achievement Award

This award recognizes new financial aid administrators with three or fewer years of experience who are demonstrating strong potential for a successful career in financial aid. The recipient will be selected based on their commitment to professional development, engagement in the financial aid community, and contributions to student success.

This award includes a scholarship to support attendance at one of the following professional development events:

  • SASFAA New Aid Officer Workshop
  • FASFAA Annual Conference
  • FASFAA New & Mid-Level Aid Officer Workshop

More details on this award can be found here: Ollicia Anderson Achievement Award