Graduate & Professional School Resources

Student Resources:

Federal Student Aid – Financial Aid for Graduate and Professional Degree Students

Manage Student Loan Debt - Steps For Managing Your Student Loan Debt  

Federal Student Aid- Public Service Loan Forgiveness


Medical/Dental/Health Resources:

Association of American Medical Colleges

American Dental Association

American Physical Therapy Association

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Law School Resources:

American Bar Association

Law School Admissions Council

Equal Justice Works


Join the FASFAA Graduate/Professional School listserv by clicking here.

The NASFAA Graduate and Professional Listserv is a free service for student aid professionals at graduate and professional institutions. It serves as a communications forum for issues specifically related to the administration of financial aid at Grad/Prof schools, and as a way to facilitate networking between financial aid officers. Non-members and business partners may also participate, on the condition that they refrain from marketing, advertising, or soliciting.

To join the NASFAA Listserv, log into your myNASFAA account, and on the Email Options screen, indicate that you want to join the listserv. View these step by step instructions for more information. Once you have joined the listserv, you can post a message by sending an email to: [email protected]Unsubscribe information is available in all delivered list messages. Before subscribing, please review NASFAA's Listserv Use Policy.

To join the FASFAA Listserv, follow these step by step instructions. Before subscribing, please review FASFAA's Listserv Use Policy.