Region II Representative Nominee

Marie Guerra-Rosado




Current employee with experience in financial aid policies, management, and relationship building seeking a role position with Florida Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators where I can utilize my skills and expertise to support the success of the organization. 

Work Experience

FINANCIAL AID COORDINATOR III, University of Florida, August 2018-Present  
FINANCIAL AID COORDINATOR II, University of Florida, January 2017-August 2018
FINANCIAL AID COORDINATOR I, University of Florida, July 2016-January 2017  
PERSONAL BANKER, Community Bank and Trust of Florida, March 2014-July 2016
ASSISTANT BRANCH MANAGER, SunTrust Bank, March 2008-February 2014  


University of Phoenix, Expected Graduation August 2024

University of Phoenix, January 2012

University of Florida, January 2006


Statement of Candidacy

I am thrilled to express my nomination for the esteemed position of Region II Representative within the FASFAA organization. As an enthusiastic and dedicated professional in the field of financial aid, I firmly believe that serving as Region II Representative is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the advancement of our industry and support the needs of our community.

With a wealth of experience and a passion for empowering students to achieve their academic goals, I am excited about the potential to make a meaningful impact on the financial aid landscape in our region. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated a commitment to excellence and a drive to continuously improve processes and services within the field of financial aid.

One of my key strengths is my ability to foster strong relationships and collaborations with stakeholders at all levels. My communication skills, combined with a genuine interest in understanding and addressing the needs of our community, equip me well to represent Region II with the utmost professionalism and dedication.

My qualifications, as outlined in my resume, further reinforce my suitability for the role of Region II Representative. With a background in financial aid and finance, I have developed a comprehensive skill set that aligns closely with the responsibilities of this position. I am confident in my ability to leverage my expertise to support the goals of the FASFAA organization and champion the interests of our members in Region II.

I am a firm believer in the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing to drive positive change in our industry. If selected as Region II Representative, I am committed to working closely with the FASFAA leadership team and fellow members to promote best practices, advocate for policy updates, and ensure that our region remains at the forefront of financial aid innovation. I am eager to engage with our community, listen to your feedback and ideas, and work tirelessly to represent your interests and concerns within the organization.

In conclusion, I am incredibly excited about the prospect of serving as Region II Representative for FASFAA. I am confident that my passion for financial aid and my collaborative approach make me a strong candidate for this role. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the continued growth and excellence of FASFAA and to support the needs of our members in Region II.

Thank you for considering my nomination, and I am eager to bring my energy and expertise to this important role.